1) What is NuMaths?
2) Why NuMaths?
3) Who is NuMaths for?
4) How is NuMaths structured?
5) Where should students start?
How should NuMaths be used?

7) Can students revise their work?
8) Are there any special programs needed to run NuMaths?
9) Is there anyone we can contact if we need help?

What is NuMaths?
NuMaths is a computer based learning program that has tailored the Australian primary maths curriculum to suit individual learning styles. Delivered via DVDs, the interactive program gives students access to curriculum based material at home.

Why NuMaths? NuMaths was developed to fulfil a prevalent need in Australia and other regions in the world. Recent figures revealed that 30% of primary school students are below standards in mathematics (Federal Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs, 2000). NuMaths is a tutorial program that complements and consolidates school learning in the home, in an interactive and fun learning environment.

Who is NuMaths for? NuMaths is designed for primary school students. It can provide assistance to students with remedial needs while providing challenging activities for students wishing to move beyond their set curriculum. A great learning tool for parents to assist their children's learning, NuMaths is also perfect for home-schoolers and students in regional areas.

Which maths curriculum is used? Qualified teachers have created NuMaths content using current Australian state and federal mathematics curricula. Regardless of location, NuMaths will cover each student's current maths curriculum. Topics include whole numbers, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, time, money, measurement, space, chance and data.

How is NuMaths structured?
NuMaths is structured in gradual increments and uses colour levels to define student achievement. Each colour level contains major mathematics topics appropriate for that level. By taking the focus off conventional grade classifications, children can progress confidently through the program, absorbing knowledge at their own rate.

Where should students start?
Students can select the strand they wish to learn within the NuMaths index page. They can work in conjunction with current school work, revise work already covered or accelerate in advance.

How should NuMaths be used?
NuMaths should be used to supplement students' current education. It is recommended that children spend frequent sessions on NuMaths. This will ensure complete concentration on the program and effective learning.

Can students revise their work?
Yes, revision is encouraged. NuMaths enables students to revise all completed work to build a strong mathematics foundation and improve students' speed and accuracy in problem solving. The fun nature of the program will keep children engaged.

Are there any special programs needed to run NuMaths?

Is there anyone we can contact if we need help?
Yes! A facilitator can be emailed at any time at [email protected] to discuss any issues regarding the course.