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Online university courses for the masses fail to materialise

Online university courses for the masses fail to materialise

In five years, Moocs go from dream of universal education to limited service for higher-end customers

Applying to college amid the Harvard admissions lawsuit

High school seniors across the country have just wrapped up their college applications, and are undoubtedly anxious for decision time this spring. This year, some students worked hard to present themselves a little differently, amid an ongoing suit against Harvard University, which claims Harvard’s admissions policies unfairly discriminate against Asian American applicants.

A closer look at debt among students of color

Four U.S. Senate Democrats — including expected presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren (Massachusetts) — are seeking feedback from more than 100 stakeholders on how to improve federal policies for student borrowers of color and make access to higher education more equitable.

Unlocking Aid Funds

IRS technical issues have blocked applicants from completing income verification needed to receive federal student aid this month. But new guidance gives aid administrators new alternatives to approve those funds.

Is personalization the key to energy efficiency?

Have you ever seen one of those big yellow cards on refrigerators, washing machines and other new appliances? These government-mandated notices indicate about how much energy the average U.S. consumer will save by replacing their older model at home with one of these shiny new things.