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Reclaiming Their Campuses

Public colleges and universities that were forced to host white supremacists (who lacked any ties to the institution) are now looking at ways to restrict certain events, but to avoid doing so based on content.

Online, Cheap — and Elite

Five years ago the Georgia Institute of Technology began a bold experiment -- to take a high-profile graduate program, put it online and offer it to students at a fraction of the cost of the in-person degree.

Fishy research opens a can of worms

It is the hedgehog of the reef: a tropical fish whose quill-like fin spines inflict a painful sting. Now the zebra lionfish has become embroiled in an expanding research misconduct investigation that stretches from a Queensland island to the chilly Baltic and the grasslands of Saskatchewan.

Cooper Union announces plan to reinstate free tuition

After adopting a bitterly contested plan a few years ago to charge students tuition for the first time in a century, the Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art announced Thursday that it hoped to make the college tuition-free again for all undergraduates in 10 years.

Should a Donor Dictate Who Is President?

UNLV president signed a gift agreement that said a $14 million pledge was valid only if he was in the job. He's leaving, and the pledge has evaporated. Agreement raises questions on governance and fund-raising ethics.