Poll tax? ‘Only students who have paid the SGA fee are eligible to vote,’ university rules state.
Students at Austin Peay State University are required to pay a $5 fee in order to be allowed to vote in student government elections. Read more
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Students at Austin Peay State University are required to pay a $5 fee in order to be allowed to vote in student government elections. Read more
New report suggests a microgrant program at Georgia State helps students complete their degrees faster and with less debt. Read more
The plot was worthy of a Dan Brown thriller – two Charles Darwin manuscripts worth millions of pounds reported as stolen from Cambridge University library after being missing for two decades. Read more
A Vanderbilt University professor delivered a speech called “Dying of Whiteness: How the Politics of Racial Resentment Shaped the American Pandemic” at Cornell University on March 29. Read more
The pandemic opened up huge possibilities for online learning and shorter-term credentials to help meet the needs of students and employers. Read more
On the campus of the Zhenlong Primary School in Guangde, a county-level city in Anhui province, there is an enclosure that has a stable for two ponies and some cages for rabbits. Read more
A British drama school has closed after an unsuccessful restructure left it with heavy losses and no longer financially viable, resulting in almost 300 students having to change school with no warning. Read more
When the news broke at the World Happiness Summit in Miami, Fla., the crowd cheered, the boldface names gave glad speeches, and future students started filling out their applications. Read more
There is no path through MIT that does not rest on a rigorous foundation in mathematics, and we need to be sure our students are ready for that as soon as they arrive’ Read more
The most competitive colleges and universities in the country got more competitive. But most institutions are still trying to fill their classes. Read more