We need a federal climate policy, but please ditch the name ‘Green New Deal’
While the “Green New Deal” proposed by a number of policy makers is a great idea, it couldn’t be a more terrible name.
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While the “Green New Deal” proposed by a number of policy makers is a great idea, it couldn’t be a more terrible name.
It has been a big week of anticipation with the 24th annual Conference of the Parties (aka COP24) underway in Katowice, Poland.
Tacoma Community College's Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion VP position will focus on “recruiting and retaining employees, and students, of color."
A bat which looks like *NSYNC's Lance Bass, a gibbon named for Luke Skywalker, and a toad which seems to have come "from Middle Earth," are among 157 new species discovered in the Greater Mekong Region last year, according to a new report from the World Wildlife Fund.
Climate change is a pressing global issue that countries need to combat not only in their individual capacities but also at an intergovernmental level.
The 2018 global climate negotiations are behind us, a successful if not grueling ordeal aimed at finding consensus among nearly 200 countries on how to solve climate change.
Japan plans to leave the International Whaling Commission (IWC) to resume commercial hunting, media reports say.
As the threat that climate change poses to civilization becomes clearer, more voices across the political spectrum call for governmental action to slow average global temperature increases and adapt to the impact on natural and human-made infrastructure.
Climate change will hammer the U.S. economy unless there’s swift action to rein in greenhouse gas emissions from burning fossil fuels, according to the latest National Climate Assessment report.
China’s Belt and Road Initiative is a colossal infrastructure plan that could transform the economies of nations around the world.