Amazon sweeps U.S. market for voice-controlled speakers: study Inc is dominating the nascent market for voice-controlled speakers, research firm eMarketer said on Monday.
The network focuses on education, science, innovation and the environment.
Here you can submit and vote on the best content from the world’s leading organisations and websites. Inc is dominating the nascent market for voice-controlled speakers, research firm eMarketer said on Monday.
A newly-discovered species of dinosaur has been named after one of the monsters in "Ghostbusters," Zuul, according to the Royal Ontario Museum in Canada.
A massive ransomware campaign appears to have infected a number of organisations around the world.
Students in the Netherlands have come up with this novel design.
The US Federal Communications Commission has voted to overturn rules that force ISPs to treat all data traffic as equal.
How Facebook censors what its users see has been revealed by internal documents, the Guardian newspaper says.
In 2017, people around the world will take an estimated 1.2 trillion digital photos, according to digital imaging research firm InfoTrends.
Ever wanted to know what your kids really get up to at school? There's an app for that.
In March, Rocky Mountain Institute and our partners convened more than 60 stakeholders from across the electricity industry for two days in Chicago to explore the potential for a new and promising technology: automated emissions reduction, or AER.