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Flipping Your Household By Making A Tech Contract With Your Kids

Psychologist and parent Lynn Schofield Clark did. She writes in the Psychology Today blog that she liked the 18-point contract that a New England mom wrote up for her 13-year-old son, however, as we talked it over in my own family, we felt that, rather than having me as the mom write something up, we wanted to work together on an agreement.

Mount Sinai rethinks medical school admissions

In a major policy shift, the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Wednesday announced that it will fill half of its entering class going forward by admitting college sophomores -- three years before they would enroll in medical school -- and will do so without requiring traditional pre-med course requirements and the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT).

Rate My MOOCs

Many educators haven’t figured out what to make of free online classes for the masses, but Silicon Valley developers and students are starting to.