Tsinghua’s ‘global first-class’ status is just the beginning of China’s ambition
Chinese universities’ pursuit of excellence with socialist characteristics aims to put them in the company of Harvard and Oxford
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Chinese universities’ pursuit of excellence with socialist characteristics aims to put them in the company of Harvard and Oxford
Facebook has deleted a post in which President Trump had claimed Covid-19 was "less lethal" than the flu.
On Friday, the University of Tennessee at Knoxville announced it is planning to hold in-person graduation ceremonies in November, before Thanksgiving break
Last year a prominent lawyer for students accused of sexual misconduct launched a novel legal strategy.
Remember the good old days when 1+1=2 and that was that? Math was the one incorruptible field in which opinion was irrelevant and facts mattered.
A Vanderbilt University class of more than 800 students were asked on an assignment if the Constitution was "designed to perpetuate white supremacy."
As scientists deliver ever-more-serious warnings about climate change, companies are beginning to size up the potential effects not only on their businesses and industries but across the entire global economy.
Whether the Supreme Court will invalidate the Affordable Care Act is unclear, but the prospect of the law's end is causing worry.
The badly thought-out use of Microsoft's Excel software was the reason nearly 16,000 coronavirus cases went unreported in England.
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the biggest private US funder of biomedical research, seeks to push adoption of European-led standard