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Low-income college students are being taxed like trust-fund babies

A little-noticed provision in President Trump’s sprawling new tax law is treating middle- and low-income college students as if they are trust-fund babies, taxing sizable financial aid packages at a rate first established 33 years ago to prevent wealthy parents from funneling money to their children to lower their tax burdens.

Teaching Evals: Bias and Tenure

New studies on student evaluations of teaching say a simple intervention can fight gender bias, at least in the short term, and that perceived teaching effectiveness declines after tenure.

More colleges are adopting pet-friendly policies

“I grew up as an only child in a very pet-friendly household. We’ve never not had a dog in the house,” says 20-year-old Colin Hilliard, a junior at Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Fla. “College was the first time that I’d been away from home … so it was extremely challenging for me to adjust.”

Kept in the Dark?

With rules around Title IX in flux, a George Washington University student has filed a different kind of complaint against the institution, alleging it violated another federal law designed to protect survivors.