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US universities must rein in fees to curb rise in Republican antagonism

US universities must rein in fees to curb rise in Republican antagonism

University of Alaska cuts are just the latest example of what is probably the new normal in US political culture

Career Training … in the Arts

To help students majoring in artistic fields find employment after graduation without compromising their passions, Texas-Arlington develops unique concentrations with practical applications.

Employers as Educators

Amazon moves deeper into offering postsecondary credentials, following Google and other big employers, but largely bypasses traditional colleges with the expanded training options.

Many college students are too poor to eat

A recent federal watchdog report about the breadth of food insecurity on America’s college campuses came with a caveat: “Nationally representative survey data that would support direct estimates of the prevalence of food insecurity among college students do not exist,” the Government Accountability Office wrote in the report to lawmakers.