No alien radio signals detected in space anomaly, SETI says
A star system that has been a source of speculation about extraterrestrial intelligence has offered only radio silence.
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A star system that has been a source of speculation about extraterrestrial intelligence has offered only radio silence.
A new chat tool has been launched in an effort to improve the security of online messaging.
Google believes it is on course to have enough internet-beaming balloons in the stratosphere to form a ring over part of the world next year.
The Rosetta spacecraft has discovered molecular oxygen in the cloud of gas surrounding the comet it is tracking.
Since debuting in May, Google Photos has gobbled up 3,720 terabytes of pictures and videos -- a staggering stash of personal memories that now live in the cloud.
From robot receptionists to robot porters, everything at Japan's Henn na or "Weird" hotel is handled from check-in to check-out.
Yahoo's next step in password security is to eliminate them altogether.
Good news Earthlings, we survived a "potential" asteroid collision.
A project of the US Department of Energy's Oak Ridge Laboratory, this 3D-printed concept house can send power its own electric vehicle, and the vehicle can return the favor.
The New Horizons mission has returned its first colour image of Pluto's atmospheric hazes and shows them to have a blue tinge.