US sanctions Iranian hackers for ‘stealing university data’
The United States has imposed sanctions on an Iranian company and 10 individuals for alleged cyber attacks, including on hundreds of universities.
The network focuses on education, science, innovation and the environment.
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The United States has imposed sanctions on an Iranian company and 10 individuals for alleged cyber attacks, including on hundreds of universities.
A mummified skeleton discovered in Chile's Atacama Desert 15 years ago doesn't look like anyone you've ever met.
Uber said it is suspending self-driving car tests in all North American cities after a fatal accident.
Wheelchair users travelling in London and other worldwide cities on public transport can now get accessibility information from Google Maps.
In Texas, tucked behind a house for the wealthy, perhaps lies some hope for the significantly less so.
A start-up that claims it will one day allow people to back-up their brains admits it will come at the ultimate price: death.
Your future Instagram pictures could be taken by a Facebook-branded robot that follows you around the house.
Washington State has signed a law that bars service providers from blocking websites or offering fast lane net access to companies willing to pay.
When Spotify launched in 2008, Ken Parks heard one question again and again from journalists and investors: Why wouldn't Apple just kill this thing while it's still in the cradle?
Flippy, a burger-flipping robot, has begun work at a restaurant in Pasadena, Los Angeles.