The network focuses on education, science, innovation and the environment.
Here you can submit and vote on the best content from the world’s leading organisations and websites.

Surge of Indian Grad Students

Foreign applications to U.S. graduate schools and initial admission offers to international students continue to increase, driven by a surge of interest from India and despite a slight drop in applications from China

Upgrading of network

Unfortunately over the past few weeks we have had a series of attacks on our network of sites. These have included direct hacks and database corruption. One site in particular have had people infect a large number of our pages. Be very wary of dealing with these people in any shape or form. Over the next few days there will be major upgrades taking place on development servers to reduce any inconvenience to you. Once checked and approved the current network will be replaced with the upgraded version. If you have any major concerns, blog problems etc then email [email protected]