We need a federal climate policy, but please ditch the name ‘Green New Deal’
While the “Green New Deal” proposed by a number of policy makers is a great idea, it couldn’t be a more terrible name.
The world.edu network focuses on education, science, innovation and the environment.
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While the “Green New Deal” proposed by a number of policy makers is a great idea, it couldn’t be a more terrible name.
Emails written by Facebook's chief and his deputies show the firm struck secret deals to give some developers special access to user data while refusing others, according to MPs.
A group of fraternities and sororities sued Harvard University over its policy on same-sex clubs.
Case Western Reserve University Barbara Snyder announced Tuesday the formation of a new “Cleveland Blockchain and Digital Futures Hub."
With a future as bright as its student body and faculty, Stanford University plans to meets its goal to be completely sustainable on solar power in the next three years.
Shutdown of 70-campus Education Corporation of America is largest closure since collapse of Corinthian Colleges and ITT Tech. Now many students will face similar questions over educational futures and debt.
A Princeton University columnist bashed an a cappella group's performance of a song from Disney's "The Little Mermaid," during which the group instructs a male and female member to kiss.
The University of Dayton is ending academic operations at its China Institute after investing more than $14 million over six years in the venture.
The question of how a university leader should respond to divisive national and international political developments has become particularly pertinent in recent years.
Google's parent company, Alphabet, will test its drone delivery service in Finland next year, it has announced.