Electric scooters on collision course with pedestrians and lawmakers
Electric scooters are appearing in many major cities across the country, bringing fun to riders, profits to scooter makers — and lots of potential risks to walkers and riders.
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Electric scooters are appearing in many major cities across the country, bringing fun to riders, profits to scooter makers — and lots of potential risks to walkers and riders.
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Experts say long-running joint ventures should be seen as a ‘litmus test’
Author discusses his critique of higher education as too liberal -- and the idea of creating a new university with another perspective.
A company's culture isn’t defined merely by ping-pong tables and free lunches; employees want to feel like part of something bigger. T
President Trump signed legislation Tuesday that renews a federal workforce development program, sending $1.2 billion a year to states but with fewer requirements from Washington on how to spend the money and assess the success of programs.
As Europe bakes in another heatwave, forecasters say the all-time temperature record could be broken in the coming days.
A US federal judge in Seattle has blocked the release of software that allows consumers to 3D-print firearms.
A growing number of states are experimenting with different ways to encourage students to take more credits.
China's north plain, one of the most densely populated regions on Earth, is set to become the world's deadliest heatwave zone by the end of the century, scientists say.